Heart Coherence

Heart coherence (or cardiac resonance) is a technique of relaxation and biofeedback aimed at regulating heart rate variability. The technique was developed in the 1990s, to treat disorders such as depression, anxiety or chronic insomnia, and even to reduce cardiovascular risk.

The Heart Coherence teqhnique was first introduced by Stephen Elliott in the United States and in France by the Dr. David Servan-Schreiber's foundation.

It is however to the credit of the Heart Math Institute created in 1991 by Doc Childre that the technique took all its strength. Heart Math has developed tools and courses to help people increase their resilience and well-being through the practice of various breathing and visualization techniques.

A Heart coherence session begins with a reading of your current coherence state using the emWaveProPlus:


The results allow us to identify the degree of coherence between the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. It is a reading of the general resilience of our ability to welcome, absorb and go beyond the events of our lives. The more coherent we are, the more we are able to be well connected with ourselves, others and our life path.

The majority of adults today have results demonstrating constant stress and varying degrees of exhaustion. In the long run, the inconsistency of our systems often leads to health problems of all kinds.

More and more children are showing signs of stress and incoherence at very young age. The techniques can be taught as early as 8 years old. The results are much quicker in children who practice regularly. Teaching these techniques to children who have suffered abandonment and abuse can help them restore the necessary connections for better coherence and thus a much more harmonious future.

Once the baseline measurement is taken, the teaching and practice of heart coherence methods take place. A new coherence measure is taken at the end of the practice and a home practice is proposed based on the results obtained during the session.

This method is especially useful for people who:

  • experience significant stress
  • have insomnia
  • suffer from anxiety
  • suffer from depression
  • suffer from chronic fatigue

The method requires active participation of the individual who wishes to transform his or her life. The short-term results are visible after only two minutes of practice and the long-term sustainable results require a continuous practice of 3 to 4 months to restore the natural basic coherence of our systems.

Heart Coherence allows us to be better connected to our pure essence. It helps us make choices that are consistent with who we are and who we are called to become.

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